Upcoming events


Club Championship to be held over 3 Fridays – 11th. 18th and 25th October

 Pizza and Wine night and red point event Tuesday 22nd October

Annual General Meeting to be held on Monday 25th November 

Christmas Party to be held on Friday 13th December

September 2024 Newsletter

Coffs Harbour Bridge Club

Welcome. The Coffs Harbour Bridge Club plays five times a week in a relaxed, fun-filled environment. Visitors often comment on the friendly atmosphere of the club; there is a tangible collegiate spirit among the members, particularly evident at our congresses, but also in our day to day activities.

We have an active committee and are involved with the State Management Committee of the NSWBA, and with the ABF, and with myABF

There is a range of play options for beginners, intermediate and advanced players in both day and night sessions. If you are new to the Coffs region or are a visitor looking for a game please contact our partner arranger, and they will help you where they can.

Under the auspices of the Coffs Harbour Bridge Club, we host the Coffs Coast Gold Congress once a year.

For those of you who are new to the game of bridge, there are beginners and improvers lessons followed by supervised play. We hope to see you soon and happy bridging.

Sessions are operating in accordance with our registered Covid plan


To view game scores click below.


To view your masterpoints click below


Under the auspices of the Coffs Harbour Bridge Club we host the annual Coffs Coast Gold Congress. It is now regarded as the biggest congress in NSW and the third biggest in Australia. The event draws bridge players from all over the east coast and is renowned as a friendly but challenging contest set in one of the most scenic regions of the NSW Mid North Coast. Coffs Harbour has a balmy sub – tropical climate and convenient travel connections by road, air and rail.


Our members are proud to be part of a friendly, social group who enjoy the competitive atmosphere that is synonymous with the club. They are always happy to help new players feel at home right from the start.

Get in touch

Contact Us

Phone : (02) 6652 3951 (During session times)

Address : City Hill Drive, Coffs Harbour
Post : PO Box 6545, Park Beach Plaza, Coffs Harbour, NSW 2450